Know IVF/ICSI end to end or say No IVF/ICSI

“Every couple should be blessed with Healthy children.”

In modern life, sub fertility is increasing. Every one in four couples are suffering from infertility. Let’s understand infertility is a couple disorder.

Most couples who are seeking treatments for infertility are ending with IVF ICSI.

As we know IVF ICSI is the final & most advanced treatment for infertility. However, the treatment has limited success rates. The success rates decrease further with advancing age and if either or both partners have medical problems.


Most of the couples who undergo IVF ICSI lack complete awareness & clarity about the process involved in it. Unless both the partners are optimally prepared, the success in IVF ICSI is compromised. Some couples who are not well prepared prior to IVF ICSI may have a positive pregnancy but eventually ends in miscarriage or abnormal babies. Many couples initiate IVF ICSI due to peer family & social pressures and with lot of physical and mental stress.

Let’s understand, IVF ICSI is a time-consuming process to an extent of 1 to 3 months and it’s an expensive treatment.


Some couples after initiating the IVF treatments with the financial costs offered by the treating centres & unfortunately ending with twice or thrice the cost mentioned or recommended. Couples who couldn’t arrange the excess funds may end with misunderstanding with their treating doctor and their centre.
Beyond all these struggles if the couple ends in failure, it can lead to serious misunderstanding between the partner and sometimes in legal separation too.


Keeping all the above facts, I want to make the couples understand the end-to-end process involved in IVF ICSI, so that they will prepare themselves well before the commencement of treatment & as well improve the success rates significantly.

In my 25 years of medical practice after counseling & treating many infertile couples who have trusted & surrendered their life to me. I have gained recognition, reputation & significant growth in my professional & personal life.

As a gesture & gratitude, I want to support & facilitate the couples who are undergoing IVF ICSI treatments in the upcoming years with a novel thought, to increase the success rates maximum and attain a healthy baby.


Hence, I have published 27 videos elaborately about the complete processes involved in IVF ICSI treatments. Couples across the globe can watch these videos as & when required & understand the processes & get themselves well prepared (medically, psychologically, emotionally & financially) before commencement of the treatments, so that Pregnancy & Parenthood are attained.

Wish you all a success & blessed life ahead.

Dr.Saravanan Lakshmanan


GSSSS is IC – “Infertility ends in Conception” & a Healthy baby at GSSSS.

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